Thursday, June 13, 2013

The french magazine Carnets d'Adventures, media partner of WOG II

Carnets d'Adventures, the magazine of "fair-mean" journeys, in the nature, on foot, bike, kayak, ski, paragliding, horse, roped party... with bivouac, going from a few days to several years, becomes partner of Wings Over Greenland II.

This magazine that celebrates its 9 years existence, became in France (in Belgium and Switzerland too) a major reference for not motorized
travelers. Quarterly read by several tens of thousand outdoor sports activities amateurs, extended on the net by the website (approximately 3000 unique / day visitors), Carnets d'Adventures is different from other magazine by its very complete technical files and equipment trials.

Michael already published some articles by the past :

- In the magazine :

  • « Préparer une expé en milieu froid – Dossier technique Grand Nord », 14 p, CA n° 26, Winter 2011-2012 (+ cover page) 
  • « Tempêtes sur le Vatnajökull – kite-ski en Islande », CA n° 22, Winter 2010-2011 (+ cover page) 
  • « Autant en emporte le vent, 2 250 km en snowkite à travers les glaces du Groenland », CA n° 18, Winter 2009-2010
  • « A VTT BUL sur les sentiers aériens du Dévoluy », CA n° 27, spring 2012 (co-written with A. Roy)
- On the website :
Michael is also a member of the magazine tester team. Its last contributions are : 
The Carnets d'Aventures website and magazine will make known our adventure and blog to its readers, giving us a good visibility in the french-speaking outdoor sports activities community...