Monday, June 16, 2014

5067: Wings over Greenland II - success !

This morning 11 h, 59 th day of the expedition, we have reached the steep coast of Qaleraligd Fjord after covering a total of 5067 km in 58 days (the departure was April 19th, 13 h).

Position: 61.027 N 46.762 W, elevation 0 m.

The longest kite ski journey in full autonomy ever, and probably also the longest trip on skis!

A small boat picked us up shortly after noon. We just have arrived in the village of Narsaq, ready for a good shower, a few beers, and some 'local' champaign !!

More details on the last 48 h without sleep, but packed with action and emotion shortly here on this blog ...
We would like to gratefully acknowledge the people here in Narsaq, who have helped and supported us a lot: Paul Cohen, Helgi Jonasson (owner of the guesthouse where we stay), and Jacky Simoud (boat transport).


  1. Well done been interesting to follow your trip around Greenland ! Best Regards Jes

  2. Gratulations!

    We are glad that you both are back and feel well.

    I. and St. Strohm


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