28/04/2014, day 10
Distance today : 83 km
Total distance : 435 km
Position : N64.748 W47.193, alt 2265m
Moving time : 7 hours
kites used today : Flysurfer speed 3 19
UUUrrghhh ! it doesn't go as well as it should... After a short night, and an early departure (around 11 am), we were epecting to "surf" on the western winds that our routeur announced. But this didn't happen : a weakly blowing wind, the fresh powder snow, and our very heavy pulkas made us struggle to get going. We constantly needed to loop the wings to progress : 3 loops per 100m. You can do the maths : how many loops for 83 km ? (the first one to send us the right answer will get a dedicated loop kilometer :-))
If the wind didn't allow us to use the 19m2 of wing, they were still strong enough to send us towards wrong direction at every loop we took ! As we are very stubborn we resisted this pattern, and forced ourselves to fight the wind. As a result our hips took it all, pulled by the wind one way, and by the pulkas the other way. That was a hell of a job ! 7 hours like this, progressing at a 10km/h average speed, how frustrating !
Hopefully the next days will be better...
PS : Rom (thanks, man) sent us your messages, We were delighted to read them after a hard days in the wild ; feel free to continue, it helps us a lot. Although it's hard to answer you or even to thank you personnally, it's been good to read from you, dear friends from the alps, from Grenoble, Annecy and everywhere else. We also read thoroughly your remarks about the blog (Thierry, Laurent, Varun...), and we'll try our best to keep them in mind. Thierry, we are thinking of you, of course. Scott/Admunsen ? Who lives will know ;-)
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